Helping Learners Visualize the Journey

The growth in online offerings has led to a more “blended” approach to learning events, with various components such as live virtual sessions, mobile-based learning and personal exploration through journaling and workbooks. A blended approach is intended to deepen learning and more easily transfer the learning into personal life and work. 

A learning journey is a visual representation of the flow of the learning program, representing all of the components and how they fit together. As a designer, you may sketch the journey (see image above) before you’ve decided on the platform(s) or after. But, it’s a good idea to draft one before you go too far in your design work. The sketch will help get you and your team on the same page. The sketch will shift as you continue to refine your plan.

For learners, a visual like the one above depicts key components of the learning event and gives them a preview of the path they are following. The different components reinforce each other and make for a more enriched experience for the learner. It also offers safety and transparency for the learner to know what is coming, especially valuable for online programs that may stretch over several weeks or months.

These questions can help guide your creative process:

  • What will mark the beginning and the end of the overall learning program? 
  • What will be the main milestones or key moments for the learners along the way? 
  • When and how will new content be offered to learners? 
  • When and how will they have opportunities for action and for reflection?
  • What unique elements will be part of this learning journey that will enrich and enhance the learning experience?

Here are a few additional sample learning journeys from recent GLP clients – may they inspire your sketches and finished products.

  1. Guardian Ad Litem Training for Volunteers – NC GAL
  2. Art of Facilitation – Alzheimer Society of Ontario
  3. Self-Paced Learning Program for Financial Navigators – The Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund

How could a learning journey help your next learning event?

Rachel Nicolosi is a GLP Partner and Communications Leader. Here are other GLP blog posts by Rachel.

Jeanette Romkema is GLP Senior Partner, Knowledge Broker, as well as Partnerships & Network Leader. Here are more GLP blogs by Jeanette.

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