At Global Learning Partners (GLP) we support organizations in their journey to embody a culture of continual learning and improvement. This often starts with a shift in the way you offer training, but it can extend to every aspect of your work and organization.
We can apply a learning-centered approach to strategic planning, meeting culture, onboarding of new staff or volunteers, case studies and reports, leadership development and more.
We offer this support through one-on-one or group mentoring and organizational consulting. We also offer training for individuals and groups on how to use a learning-centered approach in your own context.

No GLP project or product is identical to any other, because no client situation is identical to any other. While we like having a clear plan, we can shift and adjust direction in response to what’s emerging.

We collaborate rather than “deliver.” We work with you toward a product and teach you how to use tools that can support you in the future, while respecting the time and capacity you have available.

A well-designed learning initiative can contribute to huge impact, such as more animals adopted or more women employed. We design with the end in mind and work to maximize the potential for impact.

We are proud of our consistent fidelity to core principles of adult learning. Our consulting practice honors the principles of inclusion, respect, candidness, transparency, affirmation, and engagement.
A Global Leadership Conference to Remember
After planning efforts were postponed for 2.5 years due to the pandemic, One Challenge International needed to develop its organization-wide strategic plan to establish direction and intended outcomes for a five-year period. There was a strong need to bring together organizational leaders from across the globe for learning, deep connection, discernment and planning for the future.
Collaborators and Competitors — Strengthening Health Care in California
The Situation The California health ecosystem is vast, strong, and vibrant. There is much innovation, learning, and cutting-edge work being done to strengthen the health and wellness of all communities throughout the state. In 2018, Global Learning Partners (GLP)...
A Church Responds to a Request from Pope Francis
The Situation St. Vincent de Paul Church has been a Baltimore institution since 1841 and is the oldest Roman Catholic parish in Baltimore to operate continuously in its original church structure. Rooted in Christ, it is committed to being a radically inclusive...
Renovating an Entrepreneurial Readiness Program
El Pájaro Community Development Corporation (EPCDC) is a Community Development Financial Institution and a trusted resource in the Central California community. Their mission is to promote equal access to economic opportunity and transform people’s lives through entrepreneurship.
Ensuring Partner Ownership in a Long-standing Successful Early Childhood Development Program
The Situation Moments That Matter® (MTM) is an integrated early childhood development program partnership of Episcopal Relief & Development and its implementing partner organizations. MTM is based on the Nurturing Care Framework, taking an integrated approach to...
Expanding a Vibrant and Exciting Market: Supporting Organizational Change
Episcopal Relief & Development was undergoing a transition and updating its operating model to align with their new strategic plan. They were reviewing how their market-facing teams engage with their audiences and with each other, and identifying the capabilities needed for their work.