We offer two variations of Foundations of Dialogue Education. The components are different for each:
- 4 consecutive days of in-person workshop
(or 2 days + 2 days) - Learning transfer resources
- 8 x 4-hour virtual workshops – typically two
sessions a week for 4 weeks - Learning transfer resources
If this time commitment is too high and you are primarily interested in either design or facilitation, consider Intentional Design or Art of Facilitation instead.
All prices listed are the estimated cost per person, prices vary depending on a number of factors (e.g. in-person locations, level of customization, number of facilitators, etc.). To ensure that our trainings are inclusive and accessible, we can usually offer discounted pricing for non-profits, education and faith-based organizations, and organizations with financial need. Reach out to us to work something out.
Please note: discounts cannot be combined with any other promotions; prices for in-person trainings do not include costs for travel, food and lodging.