Tuesdays with Jane: Week #15

(Tuesdays with Jane is a virtual learning series for those wishing to read or re-read Jane’s books and immediately apply their new learning to their workplace. In preparation for this task, read Chapter 14 of Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach.)

Engagement:  Learning Actively

Hospice has long been one of my favorite organizations. This chapter shows the remarkable, inclusive engagement of staff at a large hospice as they made a necessary new strategic plan.

I noticed that the question So What on page 210 has become the new eighth step of the Design Steps: naming indicators of learning, transfer and impact: So That!

I like the review of the quantum principles on page 211—inviting readers to relate these to engagement.

Some great lines from Chapter Fourteen:

  • “[The Hospice Director] was determined to make the planning process inclusive by engaging as many staff and board and community members as possible.” p204
  • “The distinction [between a consultative voice (suggestions) and a deliberative voice (decisions)] clarifies each person’s role and invites creative thinking.” p205
  • “The design, and our relentless implementation of it, demanded intense engagement.” p210


Bryson’s text on strategic planning provides a useful framework. What one thing did you see us do in this chapter to make that framework work towards inclusive dialogue?

How have you used dialogue in your designing and teaching your particular content?  What one thing do you do to engage all learners as fully as possible?