Part One: Teasing-Out How Our Theory of Learning/Teaching Matters

Teasing-Out Why teasing-out, because research indicates that we aim towards our values, but we may behave differently, and, we may behave differently from one circumstance to another*. So to “tease” or sift, allows us to gently observe, apprehend and reflect upon our practices and the thoughts and influences that produce them. From here, we can choose to change, if we will it.

How Just like different points of view (POV) make a dramatic difference in literature, who has the power and reliability to tell the “story” of what is worth knowing, what is knowing and so on, is critical in a workshop, college course or any other adult education endeavor. The person or persons who determine what is noticed, amplified, dampened and operationalized prior to, during and after a course, has a lot of power.

Our Theory Rarely are people, teachers/professors fully aware of our theory of why we do what we do prior to, within and after our work with learners, nor do we always fully explore the implications this has for the learners or the outcomes. In addition to the research regarding behavior and espoused values, also our views and actions may change over time.

Learning/Teaching What is to know? Why know? What is learning? Why learn? What is important to know? Why? All of these questions and more can be unpacked with regard to teaching.

Matters Life can be thought of as a process of learning, growing and changing that matters, that each and every person (and more) matter.  As humans we have the choice to engage in actions that honor our own and others’ ability to choose and self-manage our practice and learning, or not. So the our remains, Teasing Out How Our Theory of Learning/Teaching Matters. Honoring that this blog entry is the first of several that I hope will gently unpack new views (and perhaps new actions) for the writer and reader, what would you add to any of the above thus far? If you want a challenge, take out your journal or a piece of paper (napkin, etc.) and write and then respond to: I teach people so that _______________________. So that  ________________________________________. So that  ________________________________________. Keep on going until you get to what you see as the pivotal purpose you approach teaching with.

*See page 168 in A Primer of Positive Psychology by Christopher Peterson for a summary of circumstances that we are most likely to live up to our values. Oxford University Press, USA; 1 edition (July 27, 2006).