At the end of our graduate class “Community Development: The Art of Facilitation and Design” with Jeanette Romkema we reflected on how principles and practices of Dialogue Education could also help ensure more effective and efficient meetings. It was eye-opening! Most...
Maximize Successful Community Engagement: Tips from Africa
Safety and respect are key to ensuring community engagement. This is as true in rural Ghana where I work, as it is in most places in the world. Here are some tips that I have found helpful for the African context: Understand the cultural dynamics. It is important that...
Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes
A while ago, my colleagues and I invited the people in our training to imagine they were someone they were not. For a while they had to “be” this person and experience the joys and challenges of this role. They had to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and look from a different perspective.
Help Me, I’m an Extrovert
Ever since Susan Cain’s Ted talk and book, Quiet: Being an Introvert in a World that Just Can’t Stop Talking, I have become more attentive to introverts in my meetings, learning events, and other gatherings.
Applying Core Principles to ‘Question Design’
Adults learn best when respect, safety, inclusion, relevance, immediacy and engagement are all present within the learning experience. A distillation of years of educational research, these six core principles are the building blocks of Dialogue Education™. Effective...
Celebrating a Life
In her recent book The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker impels us to prepare well for our gatherings. She reminds us to probe with questions such as: Who is this event for? What do they most want to get from it? Whether preparing for an executive leadership retreat, a...
Talking Circles: More than a Technique
Talking circles, also known as sharing circles, have long been used by Indigenous peoples in Canada, the US, and around the world. They are used to ensure each individual who has gathered in a place has a voice and is fully heard.
GLP’s Feedback Culture: Tending the Garden
For years, GLP’s core course (currently “Foundations of Dialogue Education”) included a set of guidelines around receiving and offering feedback as well as a carefully sequenced feedback model.
Receiving and Offering Feedback: An Organizational Culture Worth Building
Download as PDF Download Feedback Process + Tool Cultivating a culture of healthy feedback – receiving and offering it – takes time and intentional work in multiple areas. It can begin during onboarding and run through to the exit interview. Leaders can model healthy...
Dialogue Education in the University: Moving from Monologue to Dialogue
Having experienced university teaching through lecture, most instructors teach how they have been taught. Although lecture (i.e., monologue instruction) can be an effective tool for learning, it can be over-used or not intentionally used to maximize learning.