In a recent blog Making Room for Magic, author Annie O’Shaughnessy says that the key to “making room for magic” is to create learning conditions where participants make their own magic. When this magic happens, she explains, participants find personal and powerful connections with the learning: they become agents in their own learning; they are deeply engaged.
Making Room for Magic: A Revolutionary Act in a Busy World
A colleague from Kansas recently told me that she had received some pressure to “cover more material” in order to “make the most” of the professional development investment. “Yikes!” I said, “That is so contrary to all we know about how humans learn.” “Don’t give into...
Inviting in the Magic: When Learning Goes Beyond the Expected
Years ago, I received an email from a course participant thanking me for the transformative experience. It turns out she wasn’t thanking me for the learning (although she assured me that too was profound); she wanted to share that the experience had helped her become...
Keeping the Magic in a Virtual World
I have been thinking a lot about ‘the magic’ in adult education lately. Is it possible to keep the magic as we move forward in a virtual world? What is missing and what is gained, as virtual education becomes a mainstay? I have been designing and facilitating...