Today begins a new series called Blogging Towards Baltimore. Why Baltimore? Because that's where we'll be learning together at the International Dialogue Education Institute, Oct 24-27, 2013. Each post will help to set the stage for the Institute. Dialogue Education...
¡6 Principios Virtuales Fundamentales!
Esta publicación es la primera de una serie de tres, co-creada por Val Uccellani (Global Learning Partners) y Anouk Janssens-Bevernage (DynaMind eLearning). Anouk y Val les encanta…
6 Core Principles, Virtually!
Respect. Safety. Engagement. Inclusion. Relevance. Immediacy. These six core principles drive our work at Global Learning Partners (GLP).
Where Aboriginal Practice and Dialogue Education Meet
At the beginning of summer I had the opportunity to take a course for professional development. It was a course offered by the Canadian School of Peacebuilding and the instructor was the author Rupert Ross The content of his book Returning to the Teachings:...
Please Do Not Discuss
Discuss is a word I do not use. I will not discuss anything because I hear in that word a tone of: Listen to my perception! It is the right one! Dis – cuss: ORIGIN late Middle English ‘examine by argument’): from Latin discuss- ‘dashed to pieces,’ later...
The Art of Facilitation: A Look at Safety
Recently I learned an important lesson about facilitation: safety can impact learning! During a course on facilitation a fellow participant was facilitating a “real world” case study during a mandated practice teaching session – we were learning to facilitate by...
Creating Trauma-Informed Spaces that Support Learning
Safety is a profound way of showing respect for the learner. - Jane Vella Trauma-informed practices are all the rage across disciplines as we learn more about trauma and how it impacts so many of us. Even while traveling on an airline recently (hardly the bastion of...
Creating the System: We Make the Road by Walking
I have the honor of working with Matthew Norman from Barcelona, Spain – a colleague and Certified Dialogue Education Practitioner (CDEP). He is teaching pastors in his church community how to use Dialogue Education in designing and delivering sermons. This is...
A New Principle: Resilience
As we were preparing for and designing a reading group experience, a new principle emerged: resilience. I had said to Valerie: “If this design does not work for those who come to the Zoom session, we can just drop it. Forget about it.” Val replied, “How...
Applying Core Principles to ‘Question Design’
Adults learn best when respect, safety, inclusion, relevance, immediacy and engagement are all present within the learning experience. A distillation of years of educational research, these six core principles are the building blocks of Dialogue Education™. Effective...
Making Room for Magic: A Revolutionary Act in a Busy World
A colleague from Kansas recently told me that she had received some pressure to “cover more material” in order to “make the most” of the professional development investment. “Yikes!” I said, “That is so contrary to all we know about how humans learn.” “Don’t give into...
Tips for Facilitating Groups with Low Literacy
Most groups will have a range of literacy represented. When you are working with a group that has low literacy, consider the tips below to make sure everyone feels included and able to learn. Use language that is familiar to the group. In general, everyday language is...