Mary was Director of Staff Education and Training for the 1,400 student and permanent employees of the Wisconsin Union at the University of Wisconsin – Madison for over 27 years. In this role she loved coaching her team of student facilitators, who taught live and blended classes in a variety of onboarding topics. Mary taught classes at the Union, on campus, and at numerous conferences in communication skills, coaching, respect in the workplace, supervision, performance management, and appreciative inquiry. She also taught workshops (often with fellow GLP teacher Jay Ekleberry) in designing and delivering training to staff who discovered that they would be training as part of their jobs.
Facilitating work teams and campus committees arose as a natural strength throughout the years. Mary brought her skills of learning, organizational development, building to strengths, and coaching to teams whose leaders needed guidance to be more effective.
Some recent projects and workshops
Facilitated UW-Madison Facilities Planning and Management Work Team, Madison, WI
Facilitated work team to update Annual Performance Review process and forms for 1,400 permanent staff
Taught “Appreciative Inquiry”, elective course in UW-Madison Continuing Studies Program, and break-out sessions for UW-Madison Leadership and Management Conference, Madison, WI.
Designed and co-facilitated class to help organizations identify what’s already working and build to that success. Participants learned to tell stories and ask questions to envision a future that fosters collaboration rather than focusing on problems.
Taught “Accountability Conversations”, Wisconsin Library Association, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Designed and co-facilitated seminar in which participants identified the role of clear observations, practiced having an accountability conversation, and took home a practical worksheet to use in their workplace.
Mary’s Education
Certified Dialogue Education Teacher
Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach, 1996, University of Toronto | Durham, NC, Jane Vella
Master Trainer Course, October 1997
Durham, NC, Jane Vella and Paula Berardinelli
Advanced Design, November, 1999
Raleigh, NC
Diploma: Fine Arts in Black & White, Colour Photography
Academie voor schone kunsten ǀ Ghent, Belgium
M.S. Continuing and Vocational Education, emphasis in Adult Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.S. Health Education
The Ohio State University