Adele Halliday is the Anti-Racism and Equity Lead staff at the national office of The United Church of Canada. An experienced anti-racism educator, workshop leader, and award-winning writer, Adele has been involved in anti-racism and anti-oppression work with churches in Canada and beyond for many years. As a senior leader in the United Church, she is involved in strategic planning and setting direction for the church’s broader work on equity and anti-oppression. She loves teaching, preaching, and leading people in processes of discovery. She is currently staff resource to the United Church’s Anti-Racism Common Table and has been the Moderator of the World Council of Churches’ Advisory Group on Overcoming Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Xenophobia.
Adele holds a Master of Education as well as a Master of Theological Studies and is currently studying towards a Doctor of Education in Social Justice Education.