New Moms positioned themselves as a leader in the field of workforce development through their science-informed social enterprise, Bright Endeavors. In 2019 GLP had the opportunity to document insights from their work through a learning-centered case study....
10 Tips for Making Decisions in the Workplace
Increasingly, organizations and companies see the value of having a thoughtful approach to making decisions.
6 Core Principles, Virtually!
Respect. Safety. Engagement. Inclusion. Relevance. Immediacy. These six core principles drive our work at Global Learning Partners (GLP).
How to Evaluate a Training
Do you ever get emails asking you to spend a few minutes sharing your thoughts about evaluating a training? I do. And I'm always a little torn because I know whoever asks is eager for a few crisp tips. Instead, I grill them with questions! The rest of this short blog...
Designing for People
At GLP we use the word “design” to describe what we do when we create learning events. I’ve always loved that term (Thank you, Jane). It has to do not only with how a learning process “looks” on the outside – but how it FEELS on the inside. I think of it like this…...
Celebrating a Life
In her recent book The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker impels us to prepare well for our gatherings. She reminds us to probe with questions such as: Who is this event for? What do they most want to get from it? Whether preparing for an executive leadership retreat, a...
Bringing a Visual to Life
How do you turn a concept into a useful visual to teach and reinforce that concept over time?How do you take that visual off the page so that people can interact and learn from it? Here's a story to illustrate how you might do just that. We hope it inspires you with...
GLP’s Feedback Culture: Tending the Garden
For years, GLP’s core course (currently “Foundations of Dialogue Education”) included a set of guidelines around receiving and offering feedback as well as a carefully sequenced feedback model.
Receiving and Offering Feedback: An Organizational Culture Worth Building
Download as PDF Download Feedback Process + Tool Cultivating a culture of healthy feedback – receiving and offering it – takes time and intentional work in multiple areas. It can begin during onboarding and run through to the exit interview. Leaders can model healthy...