Many of us are back on the road facilitating in-person events. It feels great! We can move around the room to engage with content and each other, we can sit in a circle for personal sharing, and we can touch, add and move ideas around to co-create meaning as we stand at a wall or move around a table.
Episode 206: Resistance is Not Futile – Featuring Tonjala Eaton
Sometimes our learning designs go off without a hitch… and sometimes, they don’t! We’ve all been there – you’ve thoughtfully planned out your learning tasks and facilitation techniques, but when you get in the room it’s just not working for one (or more) of...
Episode 11: Foster “Ah-Ha” Moments
Dr. Jane Vella and Val Uccellani are joined by Tonjala Eaton, Career Coach and GLP Partner, to reflect on the axiom “foster ‘ah-ha’ moments, not ‘gotcha’ moments”. Tonjala was inspired by Jane’s writing many years ago and set her sights on becoming a learning-centered...
What Happens in the Classroom…An Exploration of the Role of Emotions in the Learning Process
NOTE: This reflection was written from the perspective of a community college educator, but it has implications for adult learning in both formal and informal settings. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:10 p.m. my heartbeat grew progressively faster with feelings of...