International Budget Partnership (IBP) is a global leader in Fiscal Transparency and Accountability. One of IBP’s core strengths and contributions to the fiscal field has always been its ability to convene and facilitate strategic conversations and peer learning.
Respecting Others in the Age of Distraction
I have to confess that in a conference call meeting the other day I found myself multi-tasking instead of paying careful attention. I justified it to myself by only doing it during agenda items that didn’t completely involve me. Still, I was clearly distracted! After...
Ways to Ensure Off-site Participation During In-Person Meetings
Increasingly many Boards, committee, working groups, and organizations need to meet in a way that is mixed or hybrid. Often, we have a meeting and want or need to bring in participants from other branch offices, cities or countries. When we do this the people in the...
4 Tips to Ease Your Virtual Meeting Stress
Many companies are taking recent measures to either encourage, or in some cases mandate, employees to work from home to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus. Pandemic worries aside, working from home brings its own set of challenges like resisting distractions and...
Expecting the Unexpected
When my kids were very young, I would take them with me to run errands. They’d say, “Momma, what’s our plan today?” with excitement in their voices. They wondered what our adventure to town would include! I would list things such as stopping at the post office, the...
Start with the Heart: A Warm-Up to Consider
I could never have imagined I would start a meeting with personal images of joy…But I did!
How to Use the Chat Box, Respectfully
Over the past months of virtual meetings – and there have been plenty of them – there has been much testing and experimentation with technology. One such technique has been the Chat feature; all virtual platforms have it and most of us use it. For me, the Chat feature...
Anybody Out There: What’s the Deal with Webcams, Anyway?
Have you ever set up a breakout room and only half the people went there? They didn’t ‘move’ because they were no longer at their desk. But how could you know: their webcam was OFF! Have you ever found yourself begging, even pleading, for individuals in a Zoom meeting...
The Third Wave: Hybrid is Coming!
The writing is on the wall. First in-person was thought to be the best, then we all went online, and soon hybrid will be the new reality. A ‘hybrid’ convening is when some participants are in-person in the room and some are elsewhere and joining virtually. Top three...
The World Needs a Regular Pick-Me-Up
Below is an interview with Trisha Viecco Carrillo of International Budget Partnership (IBP). Recently, she shared with Jeanette Romkema (GLP Senior Partner) a warm-up she used in a meeting, and Jeanette wanted to learn more… Jeanette Romkema (JR): Trish,...
Breakout Rooms to Connect
Breakout groups – where small groups talk within the larger group – can help all learners participate more fully, engage with each other, and connect to the content in a deeper way.