Be forewarned: Dialogue Education can spoil you for the average professional conference! Those of you who’ve been involved in Dialogue Education learning events know what I’m talking about: you attend a conference full of talking head panel discussions and you end up...
Forget Show and Tell – Showing (not Telling) Strengthens Learning
Creative writers all know what’s sometimes called the first rule of writing: show, don’t tell. What does this mean? Here, I’ll show you: TELLINGOur fundraiser was really successful and fun. We were filled to capacity and exceeded our goals for income. SHOWINGI’ve...
Reflection: Learning About Learning
A key practice of both Dialogue Education is reflection. This week, I’m asking: Just how important is reflection to learning, development and performance? Why do I ask this? THE PRAGMATIC: I am interested in continuing to deepen learning so that is meaningfully...
The Power of Less
Twice in the last week I heard stories about fewer agenda items leading to better learning and work. The first story was from Jeanette Romkema, GLP Partner. She and Clayton Rowe and Hugh Brewster of World Vision Canada together designed a two-day course on...
The iPhone vs. Dialogue Education
How many of you facilitators want to frisk your participants before a learning event so you can strip them of their iPhones (or Blackberries or Palm Pilots or . . . )? No more sneaking peaks at e-mail during the warm-up tasks, no checking the weather while another...
The Capacity to Reflect – Peter Senge on Larger World Learning
Who out there thinks about water while you’re thinking about the future of your business? Anyone? At Global Learning Partners I know we don’t. (A good Scotch, maybe, but not water.)In this compelling clip, Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline – a book that put...
Respecting Others in the Age of Distraction
I have to confess that in a conference call meeting the other day I found myself multi-tasking instead of paying careful attention. I justified it to myself by only doing it during agenda items that didn’t completely involve me. Still, I was clearly distracted! After...
A New Look at the Nature of Resistance in Learning
Awhile back we published a Voices in Dialogue issue on the idea of how we meet and plan for resistance and I’ve found myself thinking about it ever since. What is this thing called resistance and what is it’s value for facilitation and teaching? In one article in that...
The Multi-tasking Brain at Various Ages
Lately, I can’t seem to get enough information about multi-tasking. A comment on an earlier post got me thinking about it. Dwayne Hodgson wrote: I wonder if there is a generational thing at work here? Many of my younger colleagues are very adept at handling multiple...
The Learning Business – Latest Trends
I suppose every age has its excitements and its promise, but it sure does seem as if our present times are bursting at the seams with robust possibility, particularly in the field of learning. Here are a few things that caught my attention in the past two days alone...
Dialogue of the Future – Are We Ready?
Global Learning Partners is poised to launch into cyberspace with our first online course. I know, I know, we’re a bit behind the curve when it comes to online learning but we’ve got our reasons. Because we’re so focused on learning through dialogue, we’ve been...
LNRA- Phone Calls & Email
This month's Dialogue Education™ Tips and Tools focuses on asking and creating questions as a part of a Learning Needs and Resource Assessment (LNRA). What questions do you ask? (Or perhaps wish you had asked?) As an introvert, I find making a phone call or two to...