Mrs. Marion Subah is a CNM, RNC and holds an MSN as a PNP from the Catholic University of America. She is a program management, training, and service delivery expert in maternal, neonatal and child health, reproductive health, Peace building and community health and development, with more than thirty years of experience. She has worked in Liberia with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, leading the National MCH/FP and IEC (health promotion and in-service training) programs, as well as with the Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL), World Vision, Africare and Baltimore, Maryland with the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mrs. Subah is presently employed by Jhpiego, an affiliate of the Johns Hopkins University and serves as the Program Director of the USAID funded MOHSW/Rebuilding Basic Health Services (RBHS), supervising the RH/FP, HIV&TB, Mental Health, MNCH activities as well as in the Pre-service Strengthening Initiative, where working with the MOHSW, Liberian Board of Nursing and Midwifery and other stakeholders, in the past two years, has developed Pre-service and Clinical Quality Improvement Standards, job descriptions, core competencies and curricula for midwives and four other cadres of mid-level health workers; have provided technical updates and effective teaching skills training for faculty and clinical preceptors and is strengthening health facilities serving as clinical sites.
Marion is a passionate trainer and uses Dialogue Education techniques and strategies in both pre-service and in-service. In Liberia, she is known as the “chief facilitator”.