Linda Gershuny – Former team director and programme/curriculum designer at Centre of Learning, Training for Transformation – CAFT – in Haiti (2000 to 2022), holds a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from the University of Toronto, and is a Dialogue Education Teacher certified with Global Learning Partners.
Linda’s experience with CAFT involved development of modules and facilitation of participatory training programs for ministerial staff, teachers, parents, school administrators and committees for over 20 governmental and non-governmental institutions such as: Haiti Ministries of Education and Health, UNICEF, UNFPA, OSED (Baha’i Community), PLAN INTERNATIONAL, American Institutes for Research- AIR, CARITAS International, CARITAS Czech Republic and INTERNATIONAL, Save the Children, CESAL, PRODEV and training of facilitators for 10 Haitian NGO’s as Global Learning Partners representative.
Linda’s personal consultancy experience includes design and facilitation of a workshop and training programme for CROISSANT ROUGE MALI (for Canadian Red Cross) staff and community volunteers in Mali (2017), an eight-stage community education programme for 3500 villages in W.A.S.H. for UNICEF-DRC (2013).