B.J. Rogers is a lifelong learner in search of ways to leave those he encounters better for having crossed paths. He’s also a believer in hope as perhaps the most important strategy we have when it comes to making change. While fundraising for multiple sclerosis as a child, advocating for LGBTQ+ equality as a young professional, and serving as an animal welfare and access to veterinary care executive for almost two decades, B.J. also cultivated a belief in the power of learning and self-awareness to increase individual and organizational impact.
After a career in the animal welfare and access to veterinary care fields – and 25 years in the mission-based sector – B.J. founded Broadlight Consulting, a consultancy focused on shining a light not just on those places where people and organizations need attention because they require improvement, but on those places where strengths can be leveraged for positive change.
Twice a nonprofit CEO, and a longtime trainer and facilitator, B.J. was a Certified Animal Welfare Administrator for over a decade, is a Certified Dialogue Education Teacher, and holds a Certificate in Public Leadership from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Over the years he worked for or led Outright Vermont, the Humane Society of Chittenden County, the ASPCA, and Emancipet.
B.J., his partner Erin, and their corgi Henry James, live and work from the road, traveling full-time around North America in their beloved, Canadian-made, Leisure Travel Van, “Rosie.”