Sabal Al-Husban is a civil engineer at Al-Hashimiah New Municipality, in Zarqa, Jordan. She has 5 years’ experience in the public sector, where she worked as designer in the Engineering Services Division and then as a coordinator at the training and development division. Currently, Sabal is a coordinator at the Development Unit and is a trainer at the Institution of Local Administration.
Sabal has five years of experience as a project manager and site engineer for various private companies in Jordan. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Al-Hashimiah University and a master’s degree in Project Management Engineering from the University of Jordan.
Sabal believes that every day we are given a chance to make difference in the world. She loves working in a profession that is still maturing and exploring different ways to make a difference. Sabal believes that it is never too late to learn and considers herself as a life-long learner.