Dr. Karen Wilk is a ‘Go Local’ Catalyzer and Mission Innovation Team lead with Resonate Global Mission (a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church of North America) and a National Team Member of Forge Canada leading their Neighbourhood Life initiatives and Edmonton hub. Karen had been a vocational pastor for over 30 years, currently leading a microchurch in her community and coaching others to do the same. She is actively involved in her neighbourhood as a Neighbourhood Connector and President of her Community League. She has a Doctorate in Missional Leadership from Northern Seminary (Chicago). She and her husband have three daughters and a dog and enjoy Alberta’s great outdoors! She also enjoys writing (including a few books) and other creative activities (like painting ‘kindness rocks’ and making shell wind chimes) especially during this covid season.
Dialogue and participant ownership lend a level of unpredictability to the facilitation process. However, Karen easily changes the suggested outline of the session to follow substantive discussions – while still able to maintain our focus on the topic at hand. I am amazed at how quickly she can come up with a slide or quote or input on topics that she had not foreseen were going to be explored.
I know from experience that giving participants a high level of autonomy over their own learning can feel for the facilitator a bit like riding a bronco: You don’t know where it will go or where it will take you. This requires an adult educator to trust the process and (as Freire so frequently emphasized) to TRUST the participants’ capacities. Karen is an amazing bronco rider! Ary Vreeken The Taos Institute