Judy Washburn currently serves as the Vice-President for Advocacy for the Christian Education Network of the ELCA. Judy has over thirty years’ experience teaching and training in congregations and schools using the principles of dialogue education and language experience. In addition to her work with a publishing company, she has taught university English teachers in Chongqing, China with Send International, and missionaries in Quito, Ecuador with the Rafiki Foundation. Dialogue Education principles are also at the core her volunteer activities, including the development of a literacy program for a homeless shelter in Illinois, and literacy volunteers of America. Leading and training in small group Bible studies is another favorite activity, and Judy wrote and presented on two leadership training DVD’s in a ‘Leading in Faith’ series called “Foundational Training DVD: Leading in Faith”, and “Guiding the Conversation DVD: Leading in Faith”, Augsburg Fortress, Publishers. Her latest publication and workshop utilizing dialogue education is “How to Create a Safety Plan for Your Church.” For more information on this peacemaking work, see www.faithfulteaching.org.
Judy lives in Florida, is married to Russ Washburn and has three grown children: Emily, Anna, and Dylan. They all love to travel, read, and spend time with family, friends, and pets.