Mar 11, 2021
Global Learning Partners has been around for a long while now. If we asked our esteemed Founder Dr. Jane Vella, she would probably say that it has been around ever since the time of Plato, who might have asked… what is it to dialogue?
This year we are pleased to announce that Global Learning Partners Inc. – in its corporate form – is marking 25 years of teamwork and leadership focused on deep learning that drives our collective well-being.
We have much to celebrate: Dr Jane Vella and her now nearly 90 years of being an inspiring presence; sound and thoughtful corporate leadership; outstanding teachers and practitioners who design and facilitate with the learners in mind; and rich relationships around the world with partners in learning-centered approaches to change and transformation.
Our tagline still rings true as a description of our collective work together: Revolutionize your learning. Transform your world.
Peter Noteboom
Global Learning Partners
Read more about our history here.