by glp-editor-rachel | Jun 17, 2011 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights
The International Development Research Centre is the premier development research centre in Canada. They support research in developing countries to promote growth and development. The result is innovative, offering lasting local solutions that aim to bring choice and...
by glp-editor-rachel | Jul 30, 2020 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights, Projects Jeanette Romkema, Projects Meg Logue, Projects Tonjala Eaton, Projects Tyler Phillips
The Situation Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE) Fund and Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners (NTFP) teamed up with GLP to provide people across the U.S. with financial guidance and resources in the wake of our nation’s unprecedented crisis. COVID-19 brought...
by glp-editor-rachel | Jul 30, 2019 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights, Projects Jeanette Romkema, Projects Valerie Uccellani
THE SITUATION Early in 2001, a brilliant and devoted staff member of California WIC (Women, Infants, Children) read Jane Vella’s book Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach and it spoke to him, loudly. He was looking for a way to transform California WIC’s nutrition...
by glp-editor-rachel | Mar 5, 2020 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights, Projects Jeanette Romkema
The Situation The Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) collaborated with the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) to support important HIV and AIDS prevention projects in China. Together they worked with the high-risk group of Intravenous Drug Users (IDUs) in Deyang, as well as...
by glpadmin | Mar 6, 2019 | Project Spotlights, Projects Valerie Uccellani
THE SITUATION Families across the U.S. struggle to create more financial stability in their lives. Although huge investments are made in programs to serve these families, there are few evidence-based programs that support families to emerge from poverty. The Family...