by Walker Root | Nov 30, 2020 | Featured Resources Rachel, Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Paulo Freire framed education as a pathway to liberation in his seminal work “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” His work has influenced generations of educators, including GLP Founder, Dr. Jane Vella. In this episode we talk with Robb Davis of California...
by Walker Root | Dec 8, 2020 | Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Cindy Stover used to say her engaging style, appealing PowerPoints, dynamic videos, and great jokes made her feel like a workshop rockstar! We share her reflections on how Dialogue Education™ led to her “aha moment” about the importance of seeing your learners...
by Walker Root | Mar 16, 2021 | Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Christian MacKinnon with Elanco, an international animal pharmaceutical company, and GLP’s Jeanette Romkema speak with us about how Elanco came to embrace a learning-centered approach throughout their organization. They share the story of how a...
by Walker Root | Mar 23, 2021 | Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Jon Baratta from the Summer Jobs Connect (SJC) Program at Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund and GLP’s Tyler Phillips talk with us about their recent experience moving SJC’s annual convening to a virtual space. They talk...
by Walker Root | Apr 20, 2021 | Featured Resources Tonjala, Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Sometimes our learning designs go off without a hitch… and sometimes, they don’t! We’ve all been there – you’ve thoughtfully planned out your learning tasks and facilitation techniques, but when you get in the room it’s just not working for one (or more) of...