by Walker Root | Oct 13, 2020 | Featured Episode, Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
On our inaugural episode of Shift the Power, we explore the revolutionary “learning-centered approach” to education and training with Val Uccellani and Philip Silva. We also discuss how principles of safety and respect are brought to bear in education, and...
by Walker Root | Jan 18, 2022 | Featured Resources Meg, Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Bill Baker, Founder and Principal of BB&Co Strategic Storytelling, knows the value of a good story. Whether you’re garnering support in your organization for a new strategic plan or teaching parents about child healthcare, stories help people make meaning...
by Walker Root | Apr 19, 2022 | Featured Resources Tyler, Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
As a long-time facilitator, improv actor, therapist and social entrepreneur, Andres Marquez-Lara, is in the business of healing. He channels this passion as Founder and CEO of UFacilitate where he helps purpose-driven leaders create spaces for deep connection,...
by Walker Root | Jul 19, 2022 | Featured Resources Rebecca, Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
GLP Chief Business Officer Rebecca Hutchins was accepted as a scholar to the 10,000 Small Businesses program through Goldman Sachs and Babson College. Rebecca noticed that Manuel Alexander, National Lead Faculty, facilitated in ways that felt very familiar to our...
by Walker Root | Oct 18, 2022 | Podcast Episode, Shift the Power, What's New
Professional facilitators bring people together to discover creative solutions and resolve differences in ways that value inclusion while saving time, money and morale. The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) believe that there are some core competencies...