by glp-editor-rachel | May 28, 2024 | Featured Resources Jeanette, Featured Resources Tonjala, Speaking of Dialogue
Download as PDF Many of us are back on the road facilitating in-person events. It feels great! We can move around the room to engage with content and each other, we can sit in a circle for personal sharing, and we can touch, add and move ideas around to co-create...
by glpadmin | Feb 28, 2012 | Featured Resources Jeanette, Speaking of Dialogue
Visuals are critical for any learning event because visual learners need information offered to them in this way. However, “more visuals” do not necessarily mean “more learning.” Here are 10 things to remember: Visual learners need to...
by glpadmin | Jun 20, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
Through the great Dialogue Education class Designing Learning-Centered Training for Peacebuilding at the Summer Peacebuilding Institute at Eastern Mennonite University, I realized the importance of art in my life. The opportunity to explore myself through the use of...
by glpadmin | Mar 6, 2014 | Speaking of Dialogue
Webinars offer a great alternative to holding face-to-face workshops as they save the costs and carbon associated with travel. However, they can easily become a sleep-inducing monologue in which a disembodied voice drones over a hypnotic barrage of never-ending...
by glpadmin | Oct 2, 2014 | Speaking of Dialogue
Winding our way through Bali last spring, we observed people throughout the island offer small, hand-woven baskets to their gods. These daily baskets were lovingly filled with sandalwood incense, fresh flowers, and a local food item such as fish, or other real food,...