by glp-editor-rachel | Jun 16, 2020 | Speaking of Dialogue
We need to be highly efficient in these COVID times, and a clear Subject line is the first step to getting the responses you need to move important work ahead. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind. 1. Use a Subject line that communicates the focus of the...
by glp-editor-rachel | Jun 30, 2020 | Speaking of Dialogue
When my kids were very young, I would take them with me to run errands. They’d say, “Momma, what’s our plan today?” with excitement in their voices. They wondered what our adventure to town would include! I would list things such as stopping at the post office, the...
by glp-editor-rachel | Jan 31, 2022 | Speaking of Dialogue
Below is an interview with Trisha Viecco Carrillo of International Budget Partnership (IBP). Recently, she shared with Jeanette Romkema (GLP Senior Partner) a warm-up she used in a meeting, and Jeanette wanted to learn more… Jeanette Romkema (JR): Trish,...
by glp-editor-rachel | Aug 2, 2022 | Featured Resources Jeanette, Speaking of Dialogue
Download Tip Sheet In the early years of Global Learning Partners (GLP), our consultants often worked solo on projects with our clients. It seemed like the more efficient thing to do and may have saved our clients a few dollars. However, we’ve learned a...
by glp-editor-rachel | Feb 27, 2023 | Featured Resources Jeanette, Featured Resources Valerie, Speaking of Dialogue
Download as PDF Download Feedback Process and Tool For years, GLP’s core course, Foundations of Dialogue Education, has included a set of guidelines around receiving and offering1 feedback as well as a carefully sequenced feedback model. This approach to feedback has...