by glpadmin | Sep 9, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
We all get our moments of thrill — when we see the effect of a dialogue-approach on an individual, group or organization. I had one of those moments last week and wanted to share it because it felt extra special. About 14 years ago, I worked with Karabi Acharya...
by glpadmin | Sep 24, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
For the past several years, my husband has been telling our children a continuing story of the time he was two inches tall. The story, which still has not ended, unfolds in his childhood home, and it has taken him from the bathroom sink drain, to rides on a June bug,...
by glpadmin | Mar 29, 2011 | Speaking of Dialogue
In this TED video, Simon Sinek talks about his discovery about what separates successful organizations, leaders, or entrepreneurs from those who are not. What made Apple, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Wright Brothers successful, when in each case there were...
by glpadmin | Jan 10, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
Usually we’re talking about workshops or courses or change initiatives when we talk about Dialogue Education, and the fact is, for as much as Dialogue Education is about learning, its roots in Paulo Freire’s theories of “liberation education” mean it’s also about...
by glpadmin | May 16, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
“The design bears the burden.” This is one of our favorite axioms of Jane Vella’s. Our experience with this truth came through a college graduate course entitled “Teaching for Transformation.” Before the class began, we realized we had a major problem with the WHEN....