by glp-editor-rachel | Jul 22, 2024 | Speaking of Dialogue, What's New
Download as PDF In a recent blog Making Room for Magic, author Annie O’Shaughnessy says that the key to “making room for magic” is to create learning conditions where participants make their own magic. When this magic happens, she explains, participants find personal...
by glpadmin | Jan 19, 2011 | Speaking of Dialogue
This month’s Dialogue Education™ Tips and Tools focuses on asking and creating questions as a part of a Learning Needs and Resource Assessment (LNRA). What questions do you ask? (Or perhaps wish you had asked?) As an introvert, I find making a phone call or two...
by glpadmin | Nov 2, 2011 | Speaking of Dialogue
I find that sometimes Learning Needs and Resource Assessment (LNRA) work can be limited to sending some questions to the people coming to a course/learning event. In my experience, it’s helpful to see LNRA work in phases. How does this strike you? Here is a...
by glpadmin | Sep 27, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
When designing any learning event, the Dialogue Education method demands that you develop in advance a deep understanding of who will participate, taking into account their individual experience and needs so that you can tailor the design specifically for them; any...
by glpadmin | Mar 19, 2018 | Speaking of Dialogue
We ask the why question before determining the appropriate content and learning objectives. – Jane Vella In the online training world, there are interesting obstacles to designing for a learning-centered event. Some of these include, how to incorporate interactive...