by glpadmin | Aug 22, 2016 | Speaking of Dialogue
(Tuesdays with Jane is a virtual learning series for those wishing to read or re-read Jane’s books and immediately apply their new learning to their workplace. In preparation for this task, read Chapter 15 of Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach.)...
by glpadmin | Aug 29, 2016 | Speaking of Dialogue
(Tuesdays with Jane is a virtual learning series for those wishing to read or re-read Jane’s books and immediately apply their new learning to their workplace. In preparation for this task, read Chapter 16 of Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach.) Reviewing the...
by glpadmin | Nov 13, 2017 | Jane Vella Writings, Speaking of Dialogue
I’ve been in school, one way or the other, on both sides of the desk for the past eighty years. I have never been in a school where my learning was so delightful, my appetite for it so voracious, my joy in it so deep – as this “School of the 80s.” As I tried to...
by glp-editor-rachel | Dec 10, 2019 | Jane Vella Writings, Speaking of Dialogue
How fortunate I am to have such a forum as this GLP blog to share my new learning! In School of the 80s: Learning from Leisure, Experience and Vulnerability, I said I was learning apace as I turn 88! I realized that there were four factors at play in this learning: I...
by glp-editor-rachel | Dec 30, 2019 | Jane Vella Writings, Speaking of Dialogue
By Jane Vella with Valerie Uccellani On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity & Getting Old by Parker Palmer, 2019 From Jane I found this a delightful, informative, funny, inspiring and honest book. Parker is a contemporary of mine (I’m his older sister!)...