by glpadmin | Sep 27, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
You are going to have to walk slowly to keep up with me! is my warning offered to those who dare to go for a walk with me these days. Another new axiom I am living by is Keep your eyes off the clock! Both of these speak to my predilection for “busy,” for...
by glpadmin | May 16, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
“The design bears the burden.” This is one of our favorite axioms of Jane Vella’s. Our experience with this truth came through a college graduate course entitled “Teaching for Transformation.” Before the class began, we realized we had a major problem with the WHEN....
by glpadmin | May 20, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
If you’ve been kicking around Dialogue Education circles long enough you’ll have heard a bunch of axioms bandied about. You might have read Dr. Jane Vella’s A Few New Axioms, about the new truths that have become apparent to her during her retirement years, or seen...
by glpadmin | Jul 17, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
“If I only had enough time I could cover this subject!” You may have said this yourself. And I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard other teachers say it! If the content of a learning event is worth its salt in meaning...
by glpadmin | Jul 22, 2013 | Speaking of Dialogue
This is the second in a series of interviews conducted by Joan Dempsey, GLP’s Dialogue Education Community Director, with people who believe deeply in the power of dialogue to influence learning that lasts. Today’s interview is with GLP Senior Partner,...