There are many occasions when you will want to bring in an expert to share wisdom, best practices, and expertise. As planner and facilitator of the event, you are still responsible for the learning that occurs around the new knowledge shared by the guest speaker. Focus on creating a learning-centered design versus a teaching-centered one.
What Is the Purpose of The Conference?
“We are weary of academic conferences.” That’s how Christy Wampole starts her article The Conference Manifesto in The New York Times (posted May 4th 2015). Indeed, I can relate to that. In fact, it is getting increasingly challenging for me to go to conferences at...
Learning-Centered Conferences: All’s Well that Ends Well
After a plenary or panel session at a conference, it is helpful to protect time at the end to engage the audience with the content just presented. One idea for doing this is to pose a question for people to reflect on or discuss with others around them (or at their...
A Conference to Remember
Recently, NeighbourLink North York hosted “Bridging Generations,” the third intergenerational conference in the series “Let’s Get Connected.” Their goal was to invite 50 youth and 50 seniors to come for a day of learning and fun. At the start of the day everyone was...