Food for the Hungry conducted a comprehensive literature review of psychology and social & behavioral change theory & practice to propose a socially – and behaviorally – informed approach to Early Warning System (EWS) design, development, and implementation.
Community Engagement for Social Transformation in Communities with Low Literacy
Social change is a complex process and does not follow linear steps or procedures. And, it is not usually fast. Recently, I met some community members in rural areas of Ethiopia where many international and local NGOs have worked for a long time. I asked the community...
Getting People Talking When Working in Rural Africa
Every teaching or meeting situation is unique and offers its own challenges. I work in rural Africa and have found the follow seven tools especially helpful for engaging community members. Use appreciative inquiry. In every community some things have worked well. It...
Maximize Successful Community Engagement: Tips from Africa
Safety and respect are key to ensuring community engagement. This is as true in rural Ghana where I work, as it is in most places in the world. Here are some tips that I have found helpful for the African context: Understand the cultural dynamics. It is important that...
It’s Time to Come Back Together, In-Person
We call each other ‘family’. So, you can imagine how happy we were to reconnect after three long years of the Covid pandemic! We are staff and partners of Episcopal Relief & Development. On February 7-11, 35 of us gathered in Accra, Ghana from seven countries...