by glp-editor-rachel | Jul 30, 2019 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights, Projects Jeanette Romkema, Projects Valerie Uccellani
THE SITUATION Early in 2001, a brilliant and devoted staff member of California WIC (Women, Infants, Children) read Jane Vella’s book Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach and it spoke to him, loudly. He was looking for a way to transform California WIC’s nutrition...
by glpadmin | May 30, 2019 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights, Projects Meg Logue, Projects Valerie Uccellani
THE SITUATION New Moms had developed an innovative, research-based approach to support young mothers to successfully enter the workplace. They wanted a compelling way to explore and document the struggles and successes of this promising approach. The Annie E. Casey...
by glp-editor-rachel | Jun 8, 2020 | Consulting Spotlights, Project Spotlights, Projects Andrea Van Liew
The Situation The North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (NC GAL) program equips community volunteers to serve abused and neglected children by advocating for their best interests in court. All GAL advocates are trained, supervised, and supported by program staff in each...