Feb 6, 2019
International Budget Partnership was planning a global gathering of government officials and funders involved in government budget credibility. They believe that enhanced budget credibility for governments across the globe can ensure better fiscal performance and improve trust in the public sector that leads to human rights strengthening. IBP wanted the participants of this first convening to be deeply engaged and form a community of practice to continually meet and share ideas and experiences.
GLP collaborated with the IBP planning team to provide active and creative support during the planning and creation phase of the event. IBP staff confidently led a 2-day multi-party stakeholder event that was rigorously learning-centered and customized for this group of leaders down to the image on the cover of the team’s meeting booklet (see image above).
The meeting event helped the global budget leaders and IBP move forward in their goals to:
- collectively develop jointly-owned solutions to budget credibility challenges,
- be better able to champion these issues in their work and in their country,
- agree that governments need to do more to justify when they keep their goals and when they don’t,
- be clearer about what others are doing and need to do about budget credibility around research and advocacy,
- value being part of a community of practice and be excited about participating in the next event.