by glpadmin | Sep 28, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
Who out there thinks about water while you’re thinking about the future of your business? Anyone? At Global Learning Partners I know we don’t. (A good Scotch, maybe, but not water.)In this compelling clip, Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline – a book that put...
by glpadmin | Oct 26, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
I have to confess that in a conference call meeting the other day I found myself multi-tasking instead of paying careful attention. I justified it to myself by only doing it during agenda items that didn’t completely involve me. Still, I was clearly distracted! After...
by glpadmin | Nov 11, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
Awhile back we published a Voices in Dialogue issue on the idea of how we meet and plan for resistance and I’ve found myself thinking about it ever since. What is this thing called resistance and what is it’s value for facilitation and teaching? In one article in that...
by glpadmin | Nov 24, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
Lately, I can’t seem to get enough information about multi-tasking. A comment on an earlier post got me thinking about it. Dwayne Hodgson wrote: I wonder if there is a generational thing at work here? Many of my younger colleagues are very adept at handling multiple...
by glpadmin | Dec 21, 2010 | Speaking of Dialogue
I suppose every age has its excitements and its promise, but it sure does seem as if our present times are bursting at the seams with robust possibility, particularly in the field of learning. Here are a few things that caught my attention in the past two days alone...