by glpadmin | Aug 8, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
I am so passionate about Dialogue Education and camping that I just couldn’t stop myself from bringing these two together while on a camping trip in northern Canada last week… Arrange your chairs, or whatever you sitting around the fire pit on, in a circle to ensure...
by glpadmin | Aug 16, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
As a facilitator, it is important to get feedback from the group you’re working with to hear what they think of both the content they are learning and how they are learning it. Here are some ideas for gathering feedback that don’t take much time. For each of these,...
by glpadmin | Sep 4, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
I’m the president of a non-profit board of trustees and before I took the helm our meetings were primarily show-and-tell sessions: the director showed and told and we sat passively and listened, contributing ideas when we were asked. That was then. ...
by glpadmin | Sep 7, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
Too much information (TMI), or information overload, is a spot many curriculum designers find themselves in when preparing for a new workshop or course; even the most experienced person can hit TMI when he or she is taking on a new teaching topic. Sometimes...
by glpadmin | Sep 27, 2012 | Speaking of Dialogue
When designing any learning event, the Dialogue Education method demands that you develop in advance a deep understanding of who will participate, taking into account their individual experience and needs so that you can tailor the design specifically for them; any...