Jun 27, 2016
(Tuesdays with Jane is a virtual learning series for those wishing to read or re-read Jane’s books and immediately apply their new learning to their workplace. In preparation for this task, read Chapter 7 of Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach.)
Sequence and Reinforcement: Supporting Their Learning
Chapter Seven is a poignant memory for me of an incredible experience with beautiful people. I was certainly the learner in this story from the back porch of a migrant workers’ shack in North Carolina.
Again, the principles of sequence and reinforcement were appropriately demonstrated in this situation. Many other Dialogue Education principles are also evident: their respect for me, the engagement of the young man with the bloody toothache, and the kindly laughter that encouraged us all. The lessons they taught are operative in my life today! How can we create for our children events that bring them into intimate contact with the other?
Some great lines from Chapter Seven:
- “Prepare the field before planting seed.” p105
- “If anyone were to visit our back porch language lab, they surely would have suspected that I, in my casual dress, was the migrant worker and the men were sophisticated language consultants from the Caribbean.” p109
- “Some indicators of success in teaching are more moving than others.” p109
- “’Reserve judgment, Jane, for the first ten years!’” p110
Describe a time when you realized you (the teacher) were learning more in the teaching/learning event than anyone else in the room!
Who is the other in your life now? Describe a time when you had occasion to meet the other.