Jul 20, 2010

Twice in the last week I heard stories about fewer agenda items leading to better learning and work. The first story was from Jeanette Romkema, GLP Partner. She and Clayton Rowe and Hugh Brewster of World Vision Canada together designed a two-day course on facilitation and they deliberately structured it to allow participants with ample time for reflection and work. Jeanette says:
In the past few workshops I have taught, I learned “the power of less”. By having less packed days with fewer learning tasks, there was more time for deeper dialogue, tougher questions, and more profound personal application. There was space and time for the mystery and magic of learning. In fact, I even felt “the sacred” in the learning event: when people were truly moved by the learning and sharing, when time and space seemed to shift and be unnoticed, when people slowed down and noticed the details (which we often take for granted). Beauty entered these workshops in a way that has changed my teaching practice.
The second story was from Bert Troughton of the ASPCA. Bert and her team did a two-day staff retreat with only three objectives! They allowed long lunches and ample breaks. Bert says:
It was the most spacious agenda we ever developed. We walked away fully satisfied, mission accomplished, and ready to implement. What’s more, we have implemented!
If you’re looking to streamline your life, or your curriculum, or the pace of your work day, check out Leo Babauta’s book The Power of Less. In a nutshell (and to illustrate the point), Leo shows you how to “identify what’s essential” and “eliminate what’s left.” How has less helped you accomplish more?
This blog was written by Joan Dempsey.