Quizzes and Polls to Engage

The number one desire in online learning is to engage each individual present. Quizzes and polls are two quick and easy features that can help boost the energy, add some fun, and help learners connect to the content and each other.

When to Use

As a warm-up to learn something relevant about the people who are there.

Example: What is your experience in your current role – new to the work, bring experience from other jobs, coach/mentor to others, grizzled expert?

As a warm-up to help people connect positively to the content.

Example: Which of today’s topics have you already successfully used or seen used – topic A, B or C?

After a presentation to apply the new content to their life or work.

Example: How do you see today’s presentation fitting into your daily practices – immediately, after more study, after team conversation?

After a presentation to plan a next step.

Example: When do you plan to share this information with a colleague – today, next week, next team meeting? 

To energize and have fun during a break in a presentation.

Example: Let’s do a trivia game on mentimeter around the principles of learning. The most points wins a small prize.

A Few Tips for Success

  • Make sure it is relevant to the content of the event – it must be purposeful.
  • Use few words and a small number of choices; screen space is often limited.
  • Short answer and open questions are best used in the chat box or in verbal discussion.
  • Positive and appreciative questions help boost the connection and continue the learning.


How do you see quizzes and polls being used to engage learners in your next event?


Jeanette Romkema (jeanette@globallearningpartners.com) is GLP Senior Partner and Vision & Strategy Leader. Rachel Nicolosi (rachel@globallearningpartners.com) is GLP Partner and Communications Leader.

Here are more GLP blogs by Jeanette and Rachel.