Oct 21, 2020
One of the big challenges of our time is that we are just head and shoulders on a screen. We forget we have a heart that needs to sit quietly from time to time and reflect. We forget we have a body that needs to move.
Increasingly, many people are experiencing Zoom fatigue! It is real. It is concerning. And, it needs to be addressed. But, why? Movement during meetings, convenings, trainings, and work sessions is essential to…
- Energize
- Refocus
- Ground
- Elevate
We can more easily bring our whole self into work, connections, dialogue, and learning when we tend to and invite in our body.
Get out & Wonder
Invite people to go for a short outing to consider a powerful open question or explore an idea. This invitation is during the gathering, purposeful and invites participants to share their discoveries in some way with the group afterward.
Our bodies are begging to help the learning.
Consider a design you are working on: where would it be helpful to invite a short walk and wonder?
Move to Rejuvenate
Invite people to take a break in your training or meeting to tend to their body, regardless of whether it is a live gathering or asynchronous learning. This invitation is part of the design to rejuvenate, re-energize and re-center. Some activities you might find helpful
- the star stretch
- play with your pet(s)
- a mindfulness practice
- get a cup of coffee/tea
Our bodies are begging for attention.
Consider a design you are working on: where would it be helpful to invite participants to take a break to tend to their body?
Change the Scenery
From time-to-time in our virtual day it can be surprisingly helpful to move away from our workspace. Inviting participants to sit somewhere else and do a specific task related to the learning can help them refocus and work more easily. This invitation is during the gathering, purposeful and invites participants to share their work in some way with the group.
Similar to in-person gatherings where we work hard to move individuals throughout the day [pair share, small group work, gallery walk], we need to invite physical movement in our virtual sessions.
Our bodies are begging for a change of scenery.
Consider a design you are working on: where would it be helpful to invite participants to change the scenery to ease their participation?
What are you doing to attend to the whole person during your live virtual gatherings?
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Jeanette Romkema (jeanette@globallearningpartners.com) is GLP Senior Partner and Vision & Strategy Leader. Here are more GLP blogs by Jeanette.
Download this tip sheet and get more tips for working virtually here.